kunci jawaban hangaroo v.1 -

Hallo Sobat...
postingan kali ini saya akan memberikan sebagian kecil kunci jawaban dari game HANGAROO  yang tertuju kepada sobat sobat yang mungkin belum begitu mahir dalam berbahasa inggris.
selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat yah sobat.

semoga bermanfaat bro..........

·         Talk your car off
·         Lead by the nose
·         Sign of the times
·         That takes the cake
·         In over one’s head
·         Busy as a bee
·         Hole in the head
·         Old habits die hard
·         Like a bat out of hell
·         You can’t do nothing about nothing
·         Face the music
·         A penny for your thoughts
·         In the groove
·         Green eyed monster
·         Do not go gentle into that good night
·         Fair and square
·         Ace in the hole
·         Seven heaven
·         Honesty is the best policy
·         In for a penny, in for a pound
·         Hell on wheels
·         Too many irons in the tire
·         Let the chips fall where they may
·         Chink in the armor
·         Beat around the bush
·         Figures lie and liars figure
·         You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours
·         Part and parcel
·         Barely scratched the surface
·         In cold blood
·         Clean bill of health
·         Dose of his own medicine
·         Nothing ventured nothing gained
2.    Song title / artist
·         Question / Moody blues
·         Since I’ve been loving you / led zeppelin
·         You’re all I’ve got tonight / cars
·         Cuts like a knife / bryan adam
·         A day in the life / the beatles
·         Got me under pressure / zz top
·         That’s all / genesis
·         I love your smile / shanice
·         Call me the braze / lynyrd skynyrd
·         Tenth avenue freeze – out / springsteen
·         Look at little sister / Stevie ray Vaughn
·         School / superamp
·         Are of a diver / steve wincwod
·         Baby one more time / Britney spears
·         Melissa / allman brothers
·         Meet Virginia / train
·         Runaround / van halen
·         I will buy you a new life / everclear
·         What is life / George harison
·         Let’s go / cars
·         Ain’t that a shame / cheap trick
·         Manic depression / jimi Hendrix
·         Steal my sunshine / len
·         Holy water / bad company
·         Shout it out loud / kiss
·         Mean streets / van halen
·         Break down / tom petty
3.    Book title / author
·         Moonwalk / Michael Jackson
·         Daddy / Danielle steel
·         Needful things / Stephen king
·         The firm / john grisham
·         Once is not enough / jackqueline susan
·         The day of the jackal / Frederick forsyth
·         The last battle / Cornelius ryan
·         Different seasons / Stephen king
·         The cruel sea / Nicholas monsarrat
·         Mexico / james Michener
·         Insomnia / steven king
·         Great lion of god / taylor caldwel
·         The martyred
·         A shade of difference / allen drury
·         Seinlanguage / jerry Seinfeld
·         Dancing in the light / shierley maclaine
·         The source / james Michener
·         While my pretty one sleeps / mary Higgins clark
mungkin hanya sebagian kecil ini saja yang saya bisa berikan ataupun berbagi kepada sobat sobat sekalian .   
Sekian yah Sobat, Saran dan masukan silahkan tinggalkan di kolom komentar !!!

Diskusi 3 - Evaluasi Pembelajaran Di SD - PDGK4301

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